Meet Our Volunteers
The Cats' Cradle is an all-volunteer nonprofit that is only able to succeed due to the caring, cat-loving people who support us through their willingness to volunteer, foster or donate.
Message from Director Lynda Garibaldi
"It was soon after moving to this area when so many cats showed up needing help that I started getting them fixed, knowing that the best way to prevent their suffering was to prevent them from reproducing. After a few years of doing this on my own, I incorporated Cats' Cradle in 1999 and we were granted our nonprofit status on March 24, 2000. Thanks to the compassion and dedication of our volunteers, and of our community in supporting this life-saving work, we continue to help cats. Our long-term goal is to build an adoption center and provide sanctuary for cats that may not be immediately adoptable, such as cats who need a safe place to heal before being ready for adoption, and for community and feral cats who cannot be returned to their original territory."
Treasurer - Jennifer Hamm

Karyn is the specialist in TNR - Trap, Neuter, Release - for Cats' Cradle and she also feeds several
colonies of cats. She also assists with the adoptions at PetSmart in Hickory and helps recruit other
Volunteer/Foster - Rebecca Summer
"I foster to make a difference and change kitties lives, but they have ended up changing me. I volunteered for a year in other capacities and never believed I was strong enough to love with my whole heart and let go. But I have done it over and over again - over 150 times in a little over 5 years! I have adopters who have come back for a second or even third kitty, who have become friends and who send me random updates on their forever pets. Nothing makes me happier than an update on one of my former fosters or a message telling me what a purrfect fit one of my fosters was for an adoptive family. Because I foster I have saved lives and I have a small, furry army of babies I was able to love for however long they needed me! I have lost neonatal babies and foster/hospice cats, but knowing I gave them the best chance at life or a peaceful ending is my reward. I hope to continue saving lives for as long as I am able!"
Volunteer/Foster - Kristen Sellers
"The reason I started volunteering with CC is because my family has had cats my entire life and I can’t imagine a time where I won’t have them. I adopted my first cat when I moved out from a rescue similar to CC. I became more interested in helping rescue after that and when I finally bought my own house, I reached out to see what I could do! I’ve loved fostering ever since and am so happy I can be involved and help these sweet furbabies. Helping them find homes and seeing how comfortable they are makes me so happy."
Foster - Suanne de Bot
"I love to foster kittens and cats as I've always loved my feline furbabies but I am currently at a life stage when I cannot have my own purr buddy. Fostering allows me to love and enjoy my favorite animal and be able to find awesome furever homes for them yet have the freedom to travel. I know there's a 'foster fail' in my future but the past two years has allowed me to make a difference to 20 kitties and fill my home with the love that cats can express."
Foster - Jennifer Hendrickson
"I'm passionate about rescuing animals because they can't rescue themselves. My only regret is that I can't save them all."
Volunteer - Lisa Wall
Lisa recently joined the Cats' Cradle family and manages and updates the website.
"The Cats' Cradle has helped find loving homes for many abandoned kittens and cats that I have found in my neighborhood. I know the wonderful work this group of kitty lovers does and I wanted to be able to help out in any way I could."
Volunteer/Foster - Emily Elder
In addition to fostering lots of kittens and bottle feeding, Emily coordinates having cats spayed/neutered with Fido Fixers.
Volunteer - Tom Pearse
Tom shops for and delivers cat food and is the Cats' Cradle Mr. Fix It when something needs repair.
Other Volunteers/Fosters:
Carolyn Justice, Jennifer Curtis, Jennifer Gates, Rebecca Church, Cristy Abel, Josh Holman, Wendy Jo Carswell, Gail Piercy, Marie Cook, Lynn Van Ess, Crystal Bailey, Jerry and Karla Wise, Michael Knowles, Frank Cooper, Kathy Smith, Candida Miller, Carl Ennis, Eunice Maier, Melissa Bruns, Teresa Jacumin, Leatrice McDaniel, Lori Nalley